Sunday, January 21, 2007

Fiore's, Natural Italian Yogurt

[continued from previous post]
We stumbled into a Fakeberry! After dinner at Shabu Shabu House, we walked into Fiore, thinking 'natural Italian yogurt' was probably some type of gelato offshoot. The hip, colorful plastic chairs should've tipped us off that this was a Pinkberry wannabe. We ordered a medium with 3 toppings and the price came to be 55 cents more than the medium at Pinkberry (and I thought Pinkberry was a rip-off). The cups looked bigger and the yogurt wasn't hollowed, but it did not tower pass the brim of the cup like it does at Crackberry...I mean Pinkberry.

We got our usual toppings of blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries (toppings that we think are most expensive and out of season, so we can stick it right back at 'em!). At any rate, the yogurt at Fiore's tasted exactly like Pinkberry's (fanboys and fangirls of Pinkberry, no hate mail please, my yogurt tastebuds are not as refined as yours). Will we be heading back to Fiore's? No, we are fine with our current snowman pushing yogurt to us.

1 comment:

J. Nguyen said...

So I got some italian yogurt at fiore this past sunday when i went to shabu shabu house with my fam...and I gotta say the yogurt did taste different to me this time. Less of that tang, yogurty, crisp freshness. Anyone down to get some real Pinkberry? =)